This page has been created deliberately because we know whenever someone sees the word “university”, the first thing on his /her mind is:

  • “What courses do you offer?”
  • “Can I have a prospectus or list of courses?”
  • “How many faculties do you have?”

In Talent Based Learning (TBL), there is biased focus towards the talent of the candidate and courses are used as part of the Academic Clinics which provide enrichment and support in the form of broadened skills and knowledge for the identified talent.

Schools and/or Faculties within universities provide this and it is the universities that provide the Academic Clinics in the form of course units or modules. However, the course units or modules must have been part of the Learning Prescription and Talent Reports.

The Learning Prescriptions or Reports will contain the “Talent Genre Array of Tasks” as well as a list of “Academic Courses or Modules” to be covered based on selected universities. This means , it is possible to take academic courses in more than one member university as long as the prescription states so.

Credits due from the academic courses will be transferred to the main university alongside those of talent genres tasks. The main university is the one that is agreed upon for certification ( transcripts + certificates).

The World Talent University therefore does not have and does not need its own academic course units or modules but works with Member Universities for the same.

It thus allows the World Talent University to concentrate on its core function of working on talent genres (during Talent Based Learning and Development), and with experts at the Talent Clinics before linking up with the main member university for credit transfer.

As a matter of fact what sense would it make to duplicate and replicate what is already available in abundance and in many universities?

It is in the interest of the World Talent University to add value and not join the duplication of courses and facilities , currently taking place worldwide…