The World Talent University has been created to fulfill the dreams of many children, youth and adults that have struggled in many forms, situations and years to find an education system that brings accomplishment to them.

Often gifted or specifically talented people are labeled or summarized and lumped up in mixes of talents or gifts to achieve an academic objective of politicians and governments at large.

In so doing, most of the talented or gifted people drop out of mainstream education or get shipped out and have to struggle with ridicule to rake something out.

Where it is understood, the gifted ones are accelerated up the academic ladder without care for social integration especially for the young gifted.

Amazingly, and by accident, they bring new dimensions to life with their songs , great athletic ability, unique designs, business acumen, innovations or grasp of language and many more. And when they do this , all ( parents, peers, governments) wow at their talent and begin to see how to use them to gain personal fame.

But when they (gifted and talented) try to gain recognition in the form of academic or equivalent achievement, they are often reminded that they are were drop outs and that they must follow laid down procedures to join “our institutions of excellence” with stringent “world class procedures”.

Worse, opportunities like joining political leadership, jobs or taking part in key roles require you to prove that you have academically achieved hence being a slave of the “lain genre”.

This university aims to answer these questions:

  • Is it possible to earn a university degree based on your natural talent and without following traditional “graded and standardized “education?
  • Can a child, youth or adult attain a degree without traditional barriers of age?
  • Can your achievement, based on talent or giftedness, earn you a direct bachelors, masters or doctoral degree?

What we do

This university works with institutions and universities that understand that learning and general education is not about mere passing of examinations and being graded BUT is rooted to the origin of knowledge known as Talent and that Talent can be grown into a Gift.

In so doing, university is endowed with the tools and resources that can “Validate” your Talent, Craft Out Credit Values and equate them to normal credits in any institution of learning.

Accordingly, a person who possesses a “Verified” and “Validated” talent through professional and scientific assessment of the same, will automatically gain acceptance in our members universities and other institutions of learning.