I’m a rising senior at a Chinese university. I’m really interested in pursuing a master degree (as a stepping-stone to a PhD) in the US.
I do not know what “Minimum Requirements” for admission really mean. For example,
Applicants should have at least a B average (3.0 on a 4.0 scale) in an undergraduate curriculum which includes a strong emphasis on mathematics.
My undergraduate school applies a mixture of the British and Chinese grading systems. While 4.0 represents a perfect average, less than 5% of students have an average above 3.5, and only about 25% of students achieve a 3.0 (I do not know exact number).
Do minimum requirements like the one above mean “if you get grade lower than 3.0 in any grade system, do not waste your money on applying,” or something else?
Most of the US Universities state that they need minimum of 3 or 2.5 GPA (out of 4) as one of the pre-requisites.
Do they really use it as a gating criteria – or do they relax it if the candidate comes out exceptionally strong on other counts?
Stanford, at least for some programs, states clearly that they don’t have a GPA bar. But others don’t elaborate much, hence the question.
In the narrowest sense, entry requirements are simply the final grades, scores or points earned from your exams as you make the transition to university. Achieving the right grades turns a conditional offer (such as BBB for A-level or DDM for a BTEC National) into a firm place.
These are some of the difficulties in admissions based on grades.
The World Talent University takes a break from these systems that finally discriminate and end up blocking those who may not be academically endowed but have talents that may not be captured in the grades.
We pride in taking an approach that is inclusive:
Through Inherent potentials unveiled through Gift and Talent Testing
A Gift and Talent Assessment Report alongside verified Learning Prescription are enough to earn admission
A Talent Validation Report is also acceptable
Through Work or Life experience
Accreditation for Prior Experiential Learning (APEL) and Life Experience are part of the Talent Based Learning and is the main source of Mature Talent used for the Learning of the Veterans.
APEL Reports are good enough to be used for admission
Through acquired qualifications
Qualifications or grades are the last items we look at during admissions after considering inherent potentials through Gifts and Talents OR Work /Life/ experience.
Based on qualifications, a candidate can get direct admission to a Talent Based Task and can also earn direct exemptions, but ONLY AFTER a Professional Assessment for Gift and Talent Testing to unearth true potentials in terms of talent focus.